There are a lot of expectations from students of medicine when it comes to learning. The first two years of medical school are for the students to learn the basics of medical sciences. The last two years comprise learning medicine in clinics and hospitals.

Classes in medical school are taught to the students in two different styles in the first couple of years. The two ways of teaching the subjects are system-based or subject-based. In a curriculum that is subject based, class is the focus. For instance, one month can be spent learning anatomy while the other can be spent learning anatomy.

In a curriculum that is system-based, body part is the focus. Thus, one month can be dedicated to chest and back while the other can be for stomach. This means that in that month, all the subjects taught will be related to stomach.


Classes in the first year of a system-based curriculum include that of anatomy, biochemistry, histology, genetics, microbiology, neuroscience, physiology, OMT and many others. Classes in the second year include clinical medicine, pathology, geriatrics, pharmacology, pediatrics, psychiatry and physical diagnosis. The next two years of study take place in clinics and hospitals and not usually in the classroom. Subjects include family medicine, internal medicine, geriatrics, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery and obstetrics and gynecology. Other subjects may be dermatology, pulmonary medicine, radiology, orthopedics, anesthesiology, emergency medicine and many more. Fourth year typically includes electives in which students are enrolled as per their performance in auditions.

Apart from what is taught in class, there is a plethora of resources available online offering medical assignment help and offline outside of class. These resources help students in not only in increasing their knowledge but also in gaining a better understanding of their coursework.

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